Wednesday, March 17, 2010

TeXt Pr0ducTi0N #1

What are the potential effects of global warming in terms of climate change and how they can be arrested?

It is not unusual to hear someone complaining about a hot day or a freak storm. Most would say that global warming is the bane of all this miseries
. But, does people really aware about this? Global warming can be defined as gradual rising of the Earth's temperature due to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The changes are small, so far, but they are expected to grow and speed up. Within the next fifty to one hundred years, the earth may be hotter than it has been in the past million years. Several researches had shown that the problem is getting atrocious all the time but there are still ways to combat this.

One of the potential effects of global warming is it alter the weather patterns. Increasing in atmosphere temperature will also increase the ocean temperature. In the film The Inconvenient Truth (2007), Al Gore, the main speaker, explained that when ocean gets warmer, it causes a stronger storm as when water temperature increases, wind’s velocity and moisture content of the storm also increases. Case happens during the formation of hurricane Katrina, the one which hits New Orleans. Other phenomena that might happens is when the temperature increases, evaporation of the ocean will amass all the moisture up in the atmosphere and when the storm conditions trigger them out, more water will fall down as rain which means more intense rain events. Longer, it will absorb moisture out of the soil and as soil evaporation increases dramatically, it brings more intense droughts.

Besides that, owing to global warming, it causes disturbance to the ecosystems. As the temperature increases, it lengthens the growing season. And, sometimes the temperature increases beyond the tolerance of plant or animal. Global warming will also modify the plants that can thrive in the Arctic. Around 50 percent of breeding habitats for some birds may disappear, threatening the species that depend on them (Chris Woodford 2006). Also, the plants need to find more water to keep growing or else they will become extinct. The tropics are being affected too, for example, parts of coral reefs are in jeopardy because of warming of the oceans, and consequently perish other species that depend on them. Some predictions say climate change could make 30-40 percent of the world's species extinct (Chris Woodford 2006).

Nonetheless, global warming can be controlled and rectified if we start now. First of all, we must reduce the emission of carbon dioxide gas. This can be done by using efficient electrical appliances, using public transport or practicing carpooling and if you can, buy hybrid car. In addition, to redress global warming, governments also need to take a big step forward so that their people will follow. However, it is not an easy thing to do since reducing the emission of carbon dioxide will also means that they need to sacrifice some of the current technology and thus, greatly affect the country’s economic growth. Supporting the Kyoto Protocol will be such a big decision for the government. But, now, most of the advanced nation in the whole world had taking the initiatives to ratified Kyoto as they realise that saving the earth should be their first priority for the sake of future generation.

As a person who cares so much about his mother earth, we should spread this informations over. And, also do not forget to put our knowledge into action (Al Gore 2006). More and more problems that are happening around us are mainly because of global warming. Our earth is not the same place anymore compared to decades ago, it is now slowly dying and this is a very serious issue that all of us should pay attention to. It is a fact that we do not want a horrible kind of future of which our next generations are going to live their life. So, we must stand up, no more procrastination and starts to fight for our kids’ better world. Well, are you ready to change to way you live?


NuR_AqiLaH said...

Please, feel free to leave any comments.

My english is not so good. So, i hope we can share our knowledge here.

Katy said...

1. Is there a clear introductory sentence that introduces the subject matter and the controlling idea? What do you suggest for improvement if the introductory sentence is not clear?
Interesting introductory sentence, just for one thing, ‘It is not unusual to...’, why not you write as “It is usual to...”, you’ll cut down a word right. Overall, it’s good and clear to me. ~_~

2. Is there a thesis statement given as the last sentence of the introductory paragraph? Is it clear and connected to all the topic sentences of the body paragraphs?
“Several researches had shown that the problem is getting atrocious all the time but there are still ways to combat this”. I’m not sure to say that it is a clear thesis statement or not, it seems that you want to say on how to solve the problem in your next paragraph, rather than the first part about the potential effects. ~_~

3. Do the paragraphs have sufficient supporting details and examples? How can the organization be improved?
Yes, there are some sufficient supporting details that help me to understand the paragraph better. ~_~

4. Are there any paragraphs which are not supported well?
All are well supported. ~_~

5. Are there any sentences or sections that are not clear? If so, how can they be improved?
Second paragraph:
• “Case happens during the formation of hurricane Katrina, the one which hits New Orleans” – There’s something unclear here, are you want to mention that this is an example of hurricane cases?
• “Longer, it will absorb moisture out of the soil and as soil evaporation increases dramatically, it brings more intense droughts” – I’m not sure about the use “longer” in the first sentence. Do you recognise longer as a time period? I mean continuously happen.
Fourth paragraph:
• “......governments also need to take a big step forward so that their people will follow” What are the big steps? You didn’t state it.
Last paragraph:
• “Well, are you ready to change to way you live?” Actually I’m not quite understand the sentence, can you explain it to me? ~_~

6. Does the conclusion summarize all the main points given in the essay or restate the thesis statement? Is it clear? If not, how can the writer improve this part?
The conclusion is not more to summarize the point but to give awareness to people on how important it is for them to work out the problem. I’m not sure if it is acceptable to do so but I think its fine. ~_~

7. Does the writer cite the sources adequately and appropriately? Note any incorrect citation.
I’m not sure the right way of citation needed by SSBSA but if I’m not mistaken we only need to insert the writer’s family name and the year. ~_~

8. Are there any apparent grammatical or spelling mistakes?
a. Third line: “But, does people really...” I think it’s better to change it to do.
b. Second line of second paragraph: “Increasing in atmosphere temperature will...” I think it’s better to use increase
c. Eleventh line of fourth paragraph: “But, now, most....” I think it’s better if you change it to “However...” save another word ~_~

d. Twelfth line of fourth paragraph: “ had taking the...” I’m not sure

e. Second line last paragraph: “this informations...” It’s without ‘s’. ~_~

9. Does the writer comprehensively cover appropriate materials available from the standard sources? If no, what is missing?
I think it is comprehensive enough as it covers the points from different sources. ~_~

10. Additional comments:
I love some of the new words I found like ‘atrocious’ and the use of ‘owing to’.
There might have other mistakes that I miss up or unsure, sorry if I’m not good enough to comment on your essay as I’m also bad in grammar. ~_~

NuR_AqiLaH said...
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NuR_AqiLaH said...

Thanks for the comments, Katy. It helps me a lot. And, for your doubt, let me explain it here:
1. I thought it will be more interesting if we make the readers think a bit. Too straight to the point will be quite boring right? But, I will try to improve on that.
5. i) yes, i'm talking about the stronger storm as what I had explain in the previous sentence. Hurricane is a type of storm right?
ii) The word 'Longer' here means in a long run.
iii) About the gov. steps, i'm referring to the Kyoto protocol. But, well, I will improve on that sentences to make it clearer.
iv) Well, about the last sentences, what i mean is this: after the reader read this piece of information, they eventually know how worst global warming can affect their life and several steps that they can take to tackle this problem. So, they must be ready to change their daily activities towards more environmental-friendly activities.

I hope this can helps you to understand my writing better.